Home grown Jewels

Common vetch - a jewel-like gem of a wild flower, is returning to the landscape.

Every day we hear about habitat and biodiversity loss. It’s been on my mind for many years, so I’ve been working hard to restore habitat to create a place for nature to thrive - it may only be acre of Herefordshire countryside, but when the Wildlife Trust made a visit last summer, I was delighted with the species list they came up with, all found at the field: Bird’s foot trefoil, broad-leaf dock, cleaver, common vetch, cow parsley, creeping buttercup, creeping thistle, cuckoo flower, dandelion, devils’ bit, scabious, field rose, fox glove, fumitory, germander speedwell, ground ivy, hedge bindweed, hedge woundwort, hemlock, hogweed, honeysuckle, ivy, ox eye daisy, prickly sow thistle, ribwort plantain, sorrel, spear thistle, white clover, white deadnettle, wild carrot, wood avens. 

Apple, Ash, Blackthorn, Beech, Birch, Cherry, Crab apple, Elder, Field maple, Green gage, Hawthorn, Hazel, Holly, Oak, Rowan, Sallow, Sweet chestnut, Yew. That’s not all, Polecat, hedgehog, badger, fox, rabbit, field mice have all been seen there. You can find out more at Maggie’s Field


Mother Nature Part 2


Tattoo Art, not the only source of inspiration.