May Swallows

Nature never fails to give us something to look forward to, Swallows in May is one of my favourites. It’s no wonder Swallows have inspired so many tattoos - a symbol of arrival, of glad tidings. Here’s my glad tidings - I’m taking part in the designer showcase at The Forge Work Space, Leather Lane in Hatton Garden. I set up the show yesterday, meeting the wonderful group of fellow jewellers - including Enameller Jane Moore. Jane was a visiting lecturer on my degree course back in the day, her tuition was one of my favourite classes and enamelling is a medium I’d love to explore further.. Tattoo art feels like a rich vein of inspiration to translate into new work.

Please do visit The Forge Work Space this month, where, on Thursday 16 May I will be taking part in Makers in Conversation with Tattoo Artist Emily Malice and fellow jeweller Tabitha Charlton to discuss Adorning the body - Parallels between jewellery design and tattoos. Tickets available here

Nature has also inspired my new bolo tie necklace - set with a delicate pink Sapphire.


Western style Bolo Tie necklace


Makers in Conversation